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Chinese translation for "backroom boy"


Related Translations:
backroom:  adj.在密室中(工作)的。
boy:  n.1.少年,童子,男孩;儿子。2.孩子气的男子;活泼的男子,男子;青年;〔口语〕小伙子;〔蔑称〕家伙。3.仆人,侍役,勤杂人员,服务员。4.练习生;【航海】见习水手。5.〔口语〕情人,男朋友;〔美国〕男学生。6.〔pl.〕〔美国〕军人〔尤指战斗人员〕;〔pl.〕 〔美俚〕外勤记者。短语和例子a nice old boy 这家伙不错。 I have two boys and
borstal boy:  [英]教养院的青少年罪犯。
glamour boy:  〔美国〕美男子。
cape boy:  黑白混血种的南非人。
whipping boy:  【历史】(陪公子读书,代受鞭责的)受鞭伴读;代罪羔羊。
granite boys:  〔美国〕新罕布什尔州人(的绰号)。
paper boy:  报童,送报人。
teddy boy:  (英国六十年代的)无赖青年。
office boy:  (办公室的)勤杂员。
Example Sentences:
1.He was a backroom boy who worked for british army during world war
2.The movie showed these backroom boys working in thesecret military bases for the advanced weapons
3.The doctor finished the operation , but his success depended on the backroom boys who had invented the new laser scalpel
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